I can't take any credit for these bad boys.
I mean .... I eat Kit Kats.
A lot of Kit Kats.
I gained 2 pounds this week from eating Kit Kats late at night when I was playing with that damn Elf on the Shelf.
NOT cool.
Karen came into work with these Kit Kat sleighs. She makes them for her cub scouts and I thought they were super fun so I took them on KTLA this week. They are very easy and our only tip when putting these together is to use permanent, double-sided tape. Not the removable kind or they will fall apart. Have fun and Happy Holidays!


Kit Kat Sleighs

1 Kit Kat
10 mini Hershey Bars
2 candy canes
Permanent Double-sided tape

1. Apply double-sided tape to the inside of your candy canes and secure to the bottom of your Kit Kat with the candy cane curving upward. 

2. Place double-sided tape along the backs of 4 mini Hershey bars and secure to top of Kit Kat. 

3. Apply double-sided tape to the back of 3 mini Hershey bars and secure to the center of the previous 4 mini Hershey bars.

4. Apply double-sided tape to 2 mini Hershey bars and secure to the center of the previous 3 mini Hershey bars.

5. Apply double sided tape to the last remaining mini Hershey bar and secure to the previous 2 mini Hershey bars. 

6. Tie everything with a ribbon so it looks like a little package.